Friday, October 17

Most incredible IS200/Altezza Ever

So it's late and somehow I got linked to an Australian IS200 website forum. I snoop around and end-up following an incredibly build. Funny though, I landed right in the middle of the process and read something about 7" inches of lip in the rear under the stock body.. I stopped breathing and fell off the chair.

After picking up my jaw and the rest of myself, going through the entire build page by page has led me to this amazing IS200 project car. This is the most custom fabricated SXE10 chassis I have ever seen. There are nothing in the States that can complete with this. 

I know my IS300 chassis and there are no way in hell you can achieve a 7" inch lip in the rear without doing some serious custom work or flares. The answer is nothing unique to the typical hot rodder or G-machine builder. Custom rear-end 4-link suspension with a Mark Williams axles. But to cars in the import scene, that's a completely new language.

To give you an idea, that axle probably cost around $10k. The entire back half is custom made, fabricated and welded back to the stock chassis. Simply amazing. 

Every measurement was perfectly calculated to fit the 19x12 wheels wrapped by 335 rubber. Specs on the custom built engine reads, 869 whp at 30 psi. The waste gate spring maxed out at 30 psi, but the turbo and engine is capable of 45 pounds of OH SHEEEEET... 

Builder's name is Brett and this is his personal daily driven project car to showcase the shops abilities.

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