In recent years, the Domestic scene has been split between cars going bags and traditional coil setup. The main players are Airride Technologies and Detroit Speed and Engineering. Many of the cars we get at Goodguys events are running air but the main concern is how does air handle compared to coils?
Airride Technologies and Goodguys started the Street Challenge Autocross 2 years ago to have this question be settled on the battle field. Enter Detroit Speed, or a.k.a DSE.
Kyle Tucker of DSE has campaigned their many "Test Car" Camaros at the Street Challenge events. To say the least, they have dominated year after year. I believe they won 7 out of 8 events last season and judging by our first event at OC, they will continue to strike deep into Airride and bag owners in the industry.
Bottom line is, you just cannot compete air bags with steel coils.
Congrats to DSE on their first win of the season and we hope to see more great things from the company.
More info here: Detroit Speed
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