Many ppl have asked me in the pass what is it like working for the worlds largest Hot Rod association.. my answer is simple. It's like going to work at Toys R Us for big boys. Although many of us have never grown out of our childhood infatuation with the concept of 4 wheels that roll, I get to hear the latest and greatest hot rod news from builds to trend setting designs. I sort through thousands of images of hot rods across the nation. From the good to the excellent and of course the ones that are stuck in a time line. We love 'em all.
Here's a quick screen shot of what I see on a daily here in the office. These are 28-39 yr. cars from Columbus, Ohio. Here in Lightroom, the images are processed from their original state to print ready. File names are also changed in this process and captions are mirrored to the metadata. Then the cars are actually judged on a A-B-C level. "A" cars have top priority in the layout including larger image sixes and the rest follows.
At the events I get a lot of questions about why a certain car was left out or why was a car used super small, etc. My answer is simple, it is a design decision and thanks for supporting Goodguys.
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